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¡Hello World!

Hello world is one of the first words programmers use to test if the code works correctly. This is a way to quickly and easily verify if the content was properly published so we consider it a great way to open our first article in the official Netz0 blog.

In our blog, we will try to publish content relevant to our products and services, as well other information from Netz0. We also post tutorials and other data that could be helpful to our users and of course readers. You don’t have to be a Netz0 user to benefit from our blog. If you have any idea now, please leave it in the comments at the end of the article. We will try to publish blogs directly based on your suggestions, including guides, tutorials or learning material. Depending on the subject we will assign a person to that theme or pay an expert to write the article for you. Feel free to discuss your ideas. This blog is for you.

To avoid boring you with a simple test introduction, we find it interesting to display how the Netz0 logo evolved, from its conception, design, up to the final version.

Version 1:

This was one of the first draft version. For those that come from the previous brand, you can notice the similarities 😊

The idea was to maintain the original colors and branding.

Version 2:

A very similar version, but with clearer font type.

Version 3:

We let the reader discover the small differences on this version.

Beta Version:

This was the evolution to the final version we use today as the official Netz0 logo.

Here it is with the slogan included:

Official Final Version:

Finally, we made some small additional position adjustments to consolidate the form into a smaller space, today, this is the official and final version of the Netz0 logo.

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