Access NetzBuilder

The login page is your entry door to the NetzBuilder platform. You can log in with your NetzBuilder account username and password. If you acquired the service through a hosting account with Netz0, you might directly log-in from your control panel by clicking the NetzBuilder icon. Direct login from your hosting control panel processes your NetzBuilder authentication details automatically and saves you the step from having to enter them each time you need to update web content.

NetzBuilder Login

  1. Enter your NetzBuilder username. Usually, this is your email address.
  2. Enter your NetzBuilder password.
  3. Click the LOG ME IN button.

If this is your first login, we advise modifying the password from the one you received by email for security reasons. You can change the password at any time and if you cannot remember it, click on link Lost your password? (A)

WARNING: Warning: Keep your login details in secret. They are private and should never be shared. If your password gets compromised, a third party can access your account and modify content on your website.