Deprecated: This information is about the old cPanel interface. cPanel is being replaced by Netzmin.

To configure your new POP or IMAP email account in programs like Outlook, devices such as Android, iPhone, and other compatible software clients, you will need as minimum the following information:

1. Username

The username is the full email address. For example, if the domain in your hosting account is and you have created the email account in your cPanel, then is also your username.

2. Password

The password is the one you have configured while creating the email account in the control panel. In our example, it would be the password for the account If you cannot remember it, you can modify the password of any email account directly in your control panel under EMAIL > Email Accounts > Password

3. Incoming Mail Server

The incoming mail server for your messages is your domain name, for example:

Don’t enter http o www in front; your email software client should detect the server automatically.

4. Outgoing Mail Server

Just like in the previous point 3, your outgoing mail server is also your domain:

Many software’s do not ask the incoming and outgoing mail server as they detect them automatically. The same applies to the ports. Your email service uses the standard and official POP and IMAP ports which are compatible with all software’s. So there should be no need to adjust them manually and just use the defaults.

If you require changing the configuration manually, you can consult the ports and the complete configuration information in your control panel under:

EMAIL > Email Accounts > Set Up Mail Client

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