We partnered with multiple registrars, all ICANN certified to process domain name registrations. Combining this with our massive purchasing power and automatic switching between registrars allows us to offer the lowest possible pricing to our end customers.

We continually offer discounts and promotions; you can Google them or contact us if you are looking for a special discount. If you have multiple domain names and need to arrange a special pricing, we are very flexible, so contact us.

Since we depend on the registrars pricing, it means they can increase their fees at any time. In such cases, we automatically switch to the lowest option for that particular extension. Different extensions (TLD, ccTLD, gTLD, etc.) are also operated by different companies and have different pricing models. The registrar depends on the company that operates the TLD, for example, Verisign maintains .com and .net extensions, so any price increases by Verisign is passed to the registrar who then transfers the cost to us.

In most cases, we absorb such increases for our customers to avoid raising the pricing for popular extensions. All this means that one of your domain names can be registered in one registrar or another. Don’t worry, if you have multiple domains with the same extensions, we absorb the price difference so that you can have a consistent pricing between similar domain names. However, this also means that pricing can be very different depending on specific promotions or the costs in the year you registered a domain name, the type of domain name, the end registrar selected by our system, as well your Netz0 account.

The pricing is mainly affected by the type of services you have in your Netz0 account. As opposed to most domain companies that keep raising the renewal pricing every year, we do exactly the opposite.

Instead of offering you a very cheap domain name, and then increase the price every year after your initial registration, we keep a fixed renewal price to benefit long term customers and not just new ones. Keeping your domain names in Netz0 is going to be cheaper the more domains you have and the longer you have them with us.

Rate A

Let’s assume a .com domain. The public pricing, rate A is the standard pricing without any discounts or promotions applied. This is the pricing you will see in our public pricing page, but it is probably not the price that most of our customers are paying after they are with Netz0 for some time. We love our customers, so we constantly award them discounts.

Under rate A, the domain costs $14,99. So if you just register a .com domain name for the first time, without any other promotion, discounts, bundles or products, you would pay $14,99 for the first year or less if you register it for multiple years. Your renewal price next year would be $13,99 (already lower). If you purchase the domain name with a hosting account, the cost is zero, as you get the initial registration or transfer from another company for free. That is right; your cost can be $0 depending on the product you buy with your domain name. New customers fall under rate A by default.

Rate B

Rate B applies to clients who have at least one active hosting plan. If you have a hosting plan in your Netz0 account for the past 12 months, then all the .com domains in your account would cost $12,99 for renewals. Again, this is the pricing without promotions or discounts applied, but you can see that your pricing is already lower as most of our customers have a hosting service. If you do not have any hosting package but only want to have domain names in your account, you also get rate B if you keep more than 30 active domain names in your account.

Rate C

Rate C is a special rate for bulk purchases, partners, and resellers. If you only want domain names without any other extra service or product, you can apply automatically to this rate if you have more than 75 existing domain names in your account. Resellers apply to this pricing automatically regardless of the number of domains they have, which allows them to offer the best pricing to their end customers from day one. If you have an active, dedicated hosting server, you can also apply to rate C directly. Under this pricing, your new registration’s as well renewals are the same. A .com will cost you $10,99/year.

All the ICANN fees, payment charges, taxes and other costs are included. So if we advertise $10,99, you pay exactly that. No hidden fees.

Don’t forget that we constantly release promotions and discounts, and domain names can be even cheaper than rate C under certain conditions. If you want to negotiate an exclusive deal based on the number of domains you want to transfer, register or manage with Netz0, please contact us. We can always go lower per custom contracts or arrangements with a particular customer.

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