The default hypertext protocol for web pages is HTTP. Therefore a url usually looks like this:

The HTTPS protocol is the secure protocol that uses encryption with a SSL/TLS connection. Data between the client (web user) and the end server is encrypted while in transit. The S comes from Secure or HTTP-Secure.

HTTP = Normal connection without encryption

HTTPS = Secure Connection with encryption

If you are using https in a URL, your web browser tries to encrypt the data in the connection, but will first check the verification on the SSL certificate which guarantees the ID of the domain you are trying to connect. Today, encryption is becoming the standard on the Internet, so many websites have opted to use a secure connection for all the pages served from a web server.

To use HTTPS encryption, your web server has to support the SSL or TLS protocol and have a valid certificate authorized for the domain name on the Internet. If the server does not have a valid certificate, the web browser will show a warning or error to the user informing that the connection can’t be trusted. The connection is still encrypted by using the HTTPS protocol, but without a certificate from a valid authority for the domain on the Internet, the web browser cannot verify the connection.

Netz0 can certify all your domains and subdomains with a valid certificate without cost. Alternatively, you can also buy a valid certificate from a trusted certification authority if you prefer. If you are using our web hosting services, you can obtain free certificates for your domain names.

Note: A website that loads under HTTP (without encryption) can contain secure HTTPS elements (with encryption) but not the other way around. If you load a secure web page with HTTPS that tries to link to HTTP elements (without encryption), you will get browser warnings that such elements are not secure or could not be loaded. A secure web page cannot contain insecure connections.

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