Deprecated: This information is about the old cPanel interface. cPanel is being replaced by Netzmin.

Change in Browser

If you want to change the language of the login screen and the interface of your control panel, select your language from the bottom or click … for more options before you log into cPanel.

This only changes the language in your current browser. It does not change the default language configured in your cPanel account on the server. If you log in from another browser or clear your browser settings, the login screen always defaults to English if it cannot detect your browser language. You do not need to use this option if you already changed the language on your cPanel account. Every time you log in, cPanel uses the language set in your account, unless you manually overwrote the setting from the login screen.

This change is only temporary in your current browser.

Note: The login interface attempts to display the language matching your browser. The default is English.

Change in Server

If you always want to use the same language in your cPanel account, regardless from where you log in, or from any browser, you need to change it inside the server. Once changed, even if you log in from the default English screen, the interface displays in your desired language. For example, if you set it to German, your interface would always be in German unless you overwrote it from the login screen.

To change the language, first log into your cPanel account and follow these instructions:

1. Locate the Preferences section in your cPanel.

2. Click the icon Change Language.

3. Select your desired language from the drop-down menu.

4. Click the Change button.

This change is persistent, even if you clear your browser settings.

Note: The default language in your account is English. If English is not your primary language, please change it here.

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