An IP (Internet Protocol) is a set of characters based on numbers that acts as a unique identifier, for example,, and is assigned to a computer, server or network connected to the Internet. Just like a telephone number or the address on a driver's license, the IP is an address that allows you to identify and find information online and connect networks or computer devices. 

An IP address basically allows a computer system to transmit information to another and is the way in which you can access specific information on the Internet since your computer when it's downloading information, or visiting a website, requires a direction to find that resource in the vast cyberspace. Please note that a domain name cannot access an IP address directly. It requires a service that translates the name to the number. In this case the name is the domain name and the number of an IP address. The service that does this translation is called a DNS service (Domain Name Service). In order to use a domain on the Internet you need to point it to one or more DNS servers. Most domain extensions require a minimum of two different DNS servers in order to work.

Therefore, you cannot point a domain name directly to an IP server.

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