We recommend taking the following steps to increase the security for your Netz0 account and services.


Ensure that all account users have a strong and secure password that is updated regularly.

Review users and permissions regularly if you make use of multi-user account access.

Do not share user accounts and passwords and deactivate any accounts if no longer used.

Enable two-factor authentication for all users.

Check your Account Activity for unexpected activity.

Make sure your account information is updated like phone contact or primary account email.

Keys and server logins

Treat your server key like a password, and store it securely (e.g., in a password manager).

Never store server keys or passwords where it can be read by other users on shared resources (e.g., version control, programming code, etc.).

Do not use super administrator or root accounts for daily tasks.

Limit permissions per account or task when possible. An account used to upload files, should only have FTP/SFTP permissions. An account for monitoring should not have access to files editing…

Service usage

Ensure your browser shows netz0.com on the address bar.

Use the latest browser version.

Keep your operating system updated with all the security patches installed.

Do not login to your accounts, services or netz0.com from public or shared computers or open Wi-Fi networks.

Keep your work computer secure by not installing software from untrusted parties or unknown locations.


Avoid sending sensitive account information such as server logins or account passwords in emails or when posting a ticket. We will NEVER ask you to send us any logins. No person working in Netz0 will request any password either by phone, email, or any other form. We do not have access to passwords in our services.

Add netz0.com to your whitelist email filter to always receive alerts and notifications without delays.

If you are unsure whether an email received is from Netz0, please contact us. If you are unsure about links in suspicious emails, please navigate to our website directly and do not click the links.

Contact us immediately by opening a support ticket if you have any questions or if you notice suspicious activity on your account.

Ask in our forums about security tips regarding accessing services or using your computers systems if you need advice.

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